Art Services 2000 Fine Art Appraisals
Art Services 2000 Ltd. Fine Art Appraisals
Art Services 2000 Ltd. Fine Art Appraisals

Do You Own a Valuable Work of Art?
Do you need to know more about an oil painting, watercolor, drawing, sculpture, photograph or limited edition print? We have the answers you are looking for.
We appraise works of fine art dating from the 15th to the 21st Century.
Do you want to know exactly what it is that you have and how much it is worth in today's market?
Art Services 2000 Ltd. is a privately owned independent firm that provides private clients, organizations, institutions and government agencies with professional fine art services, including art appraisals, research, consulting, art advisory and international sales brokerage services.
We provide all of the major types of appraisals including:
Insurance Replacement Value: for protecting your art collection in case of loss or damage
Fair Market Value: for wills, trusts, estates, divorce, equitable distribution among heirs, IRS form 8283 charitable donations
Market Value: for sales, marketing, pre-purchase advisory, asset and collateral evaluation
It is important to know exactly what you have and its true worth in order to make an informed decision about your valuable artworks.
Contact us today for a
free initial on-line review
of your work of art
Telephone: (386) 742-6786
Cell and Text: (386) 235-2664
email us at
for more information.
Make sure to hire an experienced,
trained and tested professional fine art appraiser
who holds a fine art degree
and is a current fully accredited member
in of one of the three personal property
appraisal organizations recognized by
The Appraisal Foundation.
International Society of Appraisers (ISA)
American Association of Appraisers (AAA)
American Society of Appraisers (ASA)
Beware of appraisers who list these organizations
but are not current members in good standing
If they are not currently USPAP trained and compliant
(Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice)
they are not IRS qualified
All ISA, AAA and ASA members are required
to abide by a Professional Code of Ethics.
Unlike many generalist appraisers who value antiques,
ceramics, silver, furniture, rugs, collectibles and other decorative items: